Corporate Overview

Company Overview

Company Overview

Company name FORDAYS CO., LTD.
Corporate Headquarters 6-7 Koami-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0016
Head office 1-13-21 Kayaba-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0025
CEO Keiko Wada
Date founded April, 1997
Capital 45 million yen
Main business Development and sales of dietary supplements and cosmetics
Annual Revenue 31.6Billion (as of March 2023)
Main financial institutions Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Nihonbashi-higashi Branch
(Nihonbashi Higashi Corporate Sales Department)
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ, Monzen-nakacho Branch
(Fukagawa Office)
Mizuho Bank, Kyobashi Branch
Kiraboshi Bank, Nihonbashi Branch
No. of employees 243 (including non-permanent staff)
Affiliated organizations Japan Direct Selling Association
National Association for Direct Selling and Distribution
Japan Health and Nutrition Food Association
Council for Responsible Nutrition of Japan (CRN-JAPAN)
Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Direct Selling Cosmetic Manufacturers Association
the Association of Consumer Affairs Professionals (ACAP)

Fordays Company Profile Download

Fordays Company Profile

You can download the company profile of Fordays Co., Ltd. in PDF format from here.

Fordays Company Profile PDF Download

Corporate Philosophy

We strive to enhance the wellbeing of others and give their lives a rich sense of purpose.

Since our foundation in 1997, Fordays' primary focus has been on developing safe, high-quality products.
Good health is the key to living a full, rich life. If you have good health, you can spend more time enjoying your life and bringing joy to the lives of others.
We are proud of our outstanding range of supplements and cosmetic products, developed through the years of painstaking scientific research.
We want to convey the value of these outstanding products to as many people as possible.
Our company name, Fordays, derives from the motto on which our company was founded, "for better and brighter days to come". It embodies the hopes and dreams of those seeking to lead richer, more fulfilling lives.
Fordays will continue to pursue the essence of "good health", and aim to enrich the lives of as many people as possible.

Business Policy

Enhancing health and happiness across Japan and around the world.
Fordays will continue to look out for the health and wellbeing of you and your loved ones.

From the very beginning, Fordays has focused its research on gathering evidence to support nucleic acid and nucleoprotein supplementation and improving the effectiveness of our nucleic acid-based products.
Nucleic acids, better known as DNA and RNA, are a key component of every cell in the human body and are essential to the maintenance of good health. Nucleotides - the building bolocks of nucleic acids - are required in large quantities during cell division, and for performing DNA repair.
Therefore, we believe people should ensure they consume dietary nucleic acids - a rich source of nucleotides - as part of their regular diet.
Fordays was one of the first companies to recognize the potential health benefits of nucleic acids. Through years of research and development, we have become Japan's leading nucleic acid supplement company.
As we enter a new era of health self-management, we will continue enhancing our product range to meet the demands of people wishing to build healthy, resilient bodies.
We want people everywhere to be able to live each day with a smile on their face. To realize this ambition, Fordays is taking the approach outlined below.

It is our responsibility as a member of the healthcare industry to educate people about the role of dietary supplements in health self-management.

Supplements help to create good health

Based on the approach of creating good health through what we eat, Fordays advocates taking supplements not just to make up for any nutrients that may be lacking from your diet, but to proactively create good health. Fordays holds health-related academic symposiums and seminars in order to convey this message to as many people as possible.

Joint research with medical research institutions

Fordays continues to conduct research in collaboration with leading medical research institutions in order to gather concrete scientific evidence of the claims we make about dietary supplements. This research focuses on verifying the efficacy and safety of various supplements, as well as on discovering new possibilities for dietary supplementation.

  • Support ongoing academic studies and R&D in the field of nucleic acid supplementation, and make all finding available to the public.
  • Develop highly effective products, and adhere to the highest quality manufacturing standards.
  • Provide the public with detailed, reliable healthcare information so that they can make informed decisions for themselves.
  • Ensure the trustworthiness and safety of our products.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of nucleic acid supplementation among the general public, placing particular emphasis on the relationship between nucleic acids and good health.
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