About Nucleic Acid
Nucleic Acid (DNA/RNA) : Thinking of Health on the Genetic Level

The human body is made up of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells combine in different ways to form all parts of the body, from the internal organs to your muscle tissue, at the center of each cell there is a nucleus. Because of its acidic nature, the contents of the nucleus are generally referred to as nucleic acid.
Nucleic acid contains two parts: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). DNA contains genetic instructions which are then passed down from one generation to the next. RNA forms proteins copied from the instructions of the DNA.
Proteins are vital for the structure of the human body. They are responsible for structuring muscles, bones, organs, skin, nails, etc. they also function as enzymes and hormones. Every day, new cells are formed to maintain our life cycle. It is important to understand that nucleic acid is important for human health as it continues to produce proteins which are necessary for the human body. DNA and RNA fulfill their substantial roles when sufficient amounts of protein is produced at the right moment. Nucleic acid is a nutrient fundamental to sustain life and is attracting more and more interest in the health industry.
DNA:The Blueprint of Life
DNA is often described as playing its role as the "Blueprint of Life" by passing down genetic codes from one generation to the next. DNA molecules are packed in a thread-like structure called chromosomes .
DNA contains 4 types of nucleotide subunits : A (Adenine), T (Thymine), G (Guanine),and C (Cytosine). 3 billion pairs of these nucleotides are covalently bound together to form the double-helix structure. In the DNA are segments of genetic instructions known as genes. Genes contain instructions required for building the proteins to create and sustain life. Surprisingly, genes comprise only about 2% of our total DNA.
RNA in Protein Synthesis

Genes in the DNA contain instructions for sequencing amino acid which are building blocks of protein. These instructions are copied to the RNA, shortly thereafter, different types of RNA link together to form a chain of amino acids leading up to the formation of proteins. From the time the human genome was decoded, RNA has been gaining interest in not only its role in protein synthesis but also controlling the regulations of gene expression.
De Novo Synthesis and the Salvage Pathway
Nucleic acid are vital components of a cell, and synthesized in the body in two distinct pathways. One is de novo synthesis pathway, synthesizing nucleic acid from the liver using amino acid and sugars as its main component. The other is the salvage pathway which synthesizes nucleic acid from food or recycling nucleic acid components already in the body. De novo synthesis will gradually decline as we age, preventing smooth cellular activity. It is important to consume nucleic acid through diet and supplements to maintain our beauty and health.
Nucleic Acid-Rich Foods

Nucleic acid is generally available in all foods, especially in meat, fish, and bean products. Foods that are especially high in nucleic acid are salmon milt and others such as yeast, clams, oysters, seaweed, soy beans, chicken, and pork liver. Fundamentally, it is important to eat a well-balanced diet with nutrients that are essential to the body without relying on nucleic acid alone. We recommend the daily habit of eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet and the correct use of supplements to live a healthy lifestyle.