Message from CEO

Fordays Co., Ltd. CEO Keiko Wada

Thank you very much for your continued patronage.

Nucleic acids exist in each human cell. It is closely related to genes and is an essential human life component. Fordays was one of the first companies to focus on the potential of nucleic acids as a nutritional component. It has continued to conduct research for over 20 years since its founding.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of releasing our flagship product, the nucleic acid supplement "Natural DN Collagen," which contains nucleic acids as the main component.
In an era of rapid change, it is a miracle that we could continue making this supplement the mainstay of our business for a quarter of a century. We have reached this day thanks to the cumulative efforts of those who have been consuming our products for a long time, both for themselves and their loved ones.

For 25 years, people have interacted through this supplement, giving rise to distribution and eventually establishing a multilevel marketing business model. A multilevel marketing business model consists of "people." Because it involves a human relationship communicating products from one person to another, it is essential always to maintain sincerity. While valuing each individual, I strongly desire to create a correct and error-free commercial flow so anyone can participate in this distribution. At the same time, in a changing society, this is also a year in which we will develop into new markets while leveraging the experience we have cultivated over the past 25 years, evolving into a business entity with a new dimension.

The social situation is becoming more severe, and the natural environment is changing.
However, we view such times as an opportunity for us to grow as a company that is essential to society, and we would like to make this year a year with results worthy of the Year of the Dragon.
We look forward to your continued support.

Fordays Co., Ltd.
Keiko Wada