Patent Information

Name of Invention: Capillary angiogenesis agent and method for generating capillaries using hydrolyzed DNA (Patent no.: 7411938)

This patent, was granted based on the compelling evidence discovered through a collaborative research effort between Fordays Co., Ltd. and the esteemed Kobe University Professor Hidemi Fujino. It stands as a testament to our joint commitment to innovation and originality.
Fordays Co., Ltd. holds this patent, underscoring our authority over this invention. While this patent is the result of our dedicated research, we must stress that it does not guarantee the effectiveness or efficacy of Natural DN Collagen, and we strongly discourage its use for business activities.

Patent No. 7411938 KR20060123670 (A)
Name of Invention Capillary angiogenesis agent and method for generating capillaries using hydrolyzed DNA
Registration Date Dec. 28, 2023
Application No. Special Application 2022-032879
Application Date Mar. 3, 2022
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd.

Name of Invention: Anti-obesity drug and health supplement containing tripeptide RPR

This patent is based on the discovery of novel and original functionalities, and was granted based on the evidence discovered through joint research between Fordays Co., Ltd. and Senior Professor Satoshi Nagaoka of Gifu University. All rights pertaining to this patent is the property of Fordays Co., Ltd. This patent was obtained partly due to our earnest research and not intended to guarantee the effects/efficacy of our supplements. We strongly advise not to use this information for business activities.

Patent No. 7291917 KR20060123670 (A)
Name of Invention Anti-obesity drug and health supplement containing tripeptide RPR
Registration Date June 8, 2023
Application No. 2020-044636
Application Date March 13, 2020
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd.

Name of Invention: Accelerating and methodizing the proliferation of neural stem cells

This patent is based on the discovery of novel and original functionalities, and granted based on the evidence discovered through joint research between Fordays Co., Ltd. and Kanazawa University. All rights pertaining to this patent is the property of Fordays Co., Ltd. This patent was obtained partly due to our earnest research and not intended to guarantee the effects/efficacy of our supplements. We strongly advise not to use this information for business activities.

Patent No. 7284955 KR20060123670 (A)
Name of Invention Accelerating and methodizing the proliferation of neural stem cells
Registration Date May 24, 2023
Application No. 2021-120019
Application Date July 20, 2021
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd.

Name of Invention: Method for measuring nucleotides, nucleosides and/or bases derived from nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)

This patent establishes a new analysis method for nucleic acid components to further improve the quality of our products. All rights pertaining to this patent is the property of Fordays Co., Ltd. and Life Science Institute.

Patent No. 6660994 KR20060123670 (A)
Name of Invention Method for measuring nucleotides, nucleosides and/or bases derived from nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
Registration Date February 13, 2020
Application No. 2018-219366
Application Date November 22, 2018
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd. Life Science Institute

Name of Invention: Health drink containing cysteine peptide

This patent is a patent for a health drink based on a specific formulation and is applicable to the current "Natural DN Collagen".
This patent was obtained for the purpose of avoiding sale of similar or counterfeit products in order to guarantee the product's uniqueness. This information does not guarantee the effects/efficacy of this product. We strongly advise not to use for business activities.

Patent No. 6138048 KR20060123670 (A)
Name of Invention Health drink with cysteine peptide
Registration Date May 12, 2017
Application No. 2013-538440
Application Date Oct. 11, 2012
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd.

Other patents
(Patent No.: 6153736, Patent No.: 5820127)

These patents are based on the discovery of innovative and original functionalities from the evidence provided by the joint research between Fordays Co., Ltd. and Showa University.
This data belongs to Fordays Co., Ltd. The current Natural DN Collagen is applicable for each claim of this patent. Although these patents are part of the results of our earnest research efforts, they do not guarantee the effects and efficacy of this product, and we advise not to use them for business activities.

Name of Invention: Health drink with water-soluble nucleoprotein

This patent is a composition patent with a patented formulation. The data provided is based on the results of joint research between Life Science Institute and Fordays Co., Ltd.
This patent was obtained for the purpose to avoid the sale of similar or counterfeit products and to guarantee the product's uniqueness. This information does not guarantee the effects/efficacy of this product. We strongly advise not to use for business activities.

  • We have obtained patents in South Korea and China with similar content.
  • The current "Natural DN Collagen" has significantly increased vitamins; the following patents are not applicable.
Patent No. 3899436 Patent No. 3899436 (P3899436)
Name of Invention Health drink with water-soluble nucleoprotein
Registration Date Jan. 12, 2007
Application No. Special Application 2002-135576
Application Date May 10, 2007
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd., L.S. Corporation
Patent No. ZL 2004 8 0000957.0 ZL200480000957.0
Name of Invention Health drink
Registration Date Apr. 15, 2009
Application No. 200480000957.0
Application Date Dec. 28, 2004
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd., L.S. Corporation
Patent No. 10-0688867 KR20060123670 (A)
Name of Invention Health drink
Registration Date Feb. 22, 2007
Application No. KR20057005564
Application Date Mar. 30, 2005
Patent Owner Fordays Co., Ltd., L.S. Corporation
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