8th Symposium (February 3, 2015 Fukuoka)

8th Health-Related Academic Symposium

On February 3, 2015 (Tuesday), the 8th Health-Related Academic Symposium (hosts: Sankei Shimbun sponsor: Fordays) was held at Acros Fukuoka in Fukuoka City. This time, on the topic of boosting our 'immune system' and living healthier lives. Lectures were given by Dr. Ryoichi Obitsu (Honorary Director of Obitsu Sankei Hospital) and Professor Tokiyoshi Ayabe (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Advanced Life Sciences, Cell Biology Sciences), Dr. Koji Usumi (Life Science Institute) and Yuko Arimori (former professional marathon athlete / Ikiiki Health Ambassador of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare). In the panel discussion engaged the 1,500 people in attendance with various presentations on food and health. Grasping the interest of the audience throughout the hall, the symposium full of laughter from beginning to end.

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Comments from the Audience

  • Thank you. It was a very meaningful time for both my work and daily life.
  • I was impressed by Ms. Arimori's positive story. The contents of the lecturers were also helpful and easy to understand.
  • It was helpful to learn that "tokimeki" is important for boosting the immune system from Dr. Obitsu's lecture.
  • I learned about the importance of not relying on medicine, food and knowing how my body works.
  • I have learned and collected a lot of new information. I hope to use the things I've learned to live a longer life. Thank you very much.
  • I was able to rethink about my health from various aspects, from work to prevention. Ms. Arimori's story was fun. I learned that it is important to be positive and enthusiastic.


Title: 8th Health-Related Academic Symposium: Let's Live a Healthy Lifestyle by Boosting Our Immune System with the Promises of Nucleic Acid Supplementation!
Hosts: Sankei Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Partners: KYG Association (NPO)
Special Sponsorship: Fordays Co., Ltd.
Sponsors: Life Science Institute
Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Start: 1:00PM Close: 4:00PM
Location: Acros Fukuoka, Fukuoka Symphony Hall
Lecture: "Protect Your Body! From Holistic Medicine"
Honorary Director of Obitsu Sankei Hospital, Dr. Ryoichi Obitsu
Lecture: "Dietary Habits That Boost the Immune System"
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Advanced Life Sciences, Cell Biology Sciences
Professor, Tokiyoshi Ayabe
Lecture: "The Expected Potentials of Nucleic Acid Supplementation, S2014 Nuclegen (Salmon Milt Extract)"
Life Science Institute, Dr. Koji Usumi
Special Guest Speaker: "Your Dreams Will Come True if You Keep Believing"
Former Professional Marathon Athlete / Ikiiki Health Ambassador of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Yuko Arimori
Panel Discussion: "Food and Nucleic Acid to Lead a Long and Healthy Life"
Honorary Director of Obitsu Sankei Hospital, Dr. Ryoichi Obitsu
Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Advanced Life Sciences, Cell Biology Sciences
Professor, Tokiyoshi Ayabe
Former Professional Marathon Athlete / Ikiiki Health Ambassador of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Yuko Arimori
Life Science Institute, Dr. Koji Usumi
TOP> CSR> Food and Health Enlightenment Activities> 8th Symposium (February 3, 2015 Fukuoka)