Support for Academic Research

Supporting Academic Research to Establish a Healthy Society

Opening endowed courses at universities and donating research grants are Fordays' long-term commitment towards the success as a "Health Creation Company" for the purpose of creating a healthy and prosperous society in the future.

Research Funding at the University of Tokyo

In May 2015, Fordays commenced research funding to University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences "Laboratory of Food and Physiological Models" for the purpose of analyzing the relationship between food and health. Fordays provides various support to establish a healthy society.

Fordays Self-Reliance Support Association

Every year, "Fordays Self-Reliance Support Association" (Chairman: Fordays CEO, Keiko Wada) supports researchers involved in academic research or technological development for the purpose of supporting creative and relevant research themes contributing to the advancement of health science domestically and internationally by subsidizing grants to researchers in the field of natural and life sciences.

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