10th Symposium (January 31, 2017 Tokyo)

10th Health-Related Academic Symposium

On January 31, 2017 (Tuesday), the 10th Health-Related Academic Symposium (hosts: Sankei Shimbun sponsor: Fordays) was held at the Ginza Blossom Central Hall in Tokyo. This time with lectures on the topic of "Resistance to Stress and Nucleic Acid Supplementation", Professor Kenji Murata of University of California, Davis; Dr. Koji Usumi of Life Science Institute; Olympic gold medalist, Rie Kaneto and Tokai University's Swimming Coach, Takeshi Kato. Recent studies have shown that not only are modern humans exposed to intense stress due to the sophistication of society, but stress is associated with the development of life-threatening illnesses. In addition to lectures on stress by prominent researchers, the talk session by Rio 2016 Olympic gold medalist, Rie Kaneto and coach Kato created a lively atmosphere througout.

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Comments from the Audience

  • I learned about the relationship between aging and stress for the first time. I will take what I learned and use it as a reference for maintaining my future health. I am grateful for this very meaningful lecture.
  • This symposium was very helpful since I regularly get stressed as a caregiver. After this symposium I think I am able to keep my stress in control.
  • I want a lot of data on nucleic acid. Thank you for today. The story of the gold medalist and the coach, the story of the doctor was very entertaining.
  • I learned the importance of mind and body. I am looking forward to future symposiums.
  • This symposium was was very helpful because it was the time when we started to rethink our diet and our health in the long-term considering our ages as husband and wife.
  • I was inspired by the honest narratives for each of the panel discussions.

See details at Sankei News.
[Sankei News] for PC and smartphone (available in Japanese only). 


Title 10th Health-Related Academic Symposium: Resistance to Stress and Nucleic Acid Supplementation
Hosts Sankei Shimbun Co., Ltd.
Partners KYG Association (NPO)
Special Sponsorship Fordays Co., Ltd.
Sponsors Life Science Institute
Date Tuesday, January 31, 2017 Start: 1:00PM Close: 4:00PM
Location Ginza Blossom, Tokyo
Lecture: "The Relation of Nucleic Acid Supplementation and Stress"
Life Science Institute, Dr. Koji Usumi
Lecture: "Aging, Nucleic Acid and Stress"
University of California, Davis, Professor, Kenji Murata
Special Guest Speaker: "The Secret to Building the World's No.1 Body"
Swimmer, Rie Kaneto
Swimming Coach, Tokai University, Takeshi Kato
Panel Discussion: "How to Build Resistance to Stress"
Life Science Institute, Dr. Koji Usumi
University of California, Davis, Professor Kenji Murata
Swimmer, Rie Kaneto
Swimming Coach, Tokai University, Takeshi Kato
Host: Asuka Suita
TOP> CSR> Food and Health Enlightenment Activities> 10th Symposium (January 31, 2017 Tokyo)